Snapchat works hard to make more profit from its activate users. It reported that it obtains 100 million activate users each day. Snapchat keeps launching new functions to attract users and tries to charge subscription for the favorite features from its users.
Snapchat launched the Lens Store last Friday. The subscribers can add more social elements or doodle on their snapshots by paying $0.99. It offers 30 lens options on the lens stores, including 7 free options.
Snapchat had offered the free lens service in the past few months. It teamed up with Fox to test the fist sponsored lens for Snoopy last month. Some popular lens might be disappeared after Snapchat release the lens store.
Those lens might not be so popular when it begins charging. Lens store is the second subscribed feature launched by Snapchat since September.
It created the mode of burn after reading and it started not saving the communications between friends. To make more profit, it allows users to spend $0.99 since September to check three deleted chatting records of the day.
It is so important for Snapchat to release the subscribed functions. Under some circumstances, it costs Snapchat $500,000 for its products’ ads on a single day. Its payment services are positive for its development. It might launch more subscribed services in the feature.
Many of its users are not satisfied with the subscription of lens store. They complained on Twitter. They felt that they are forced to use some lens features once they buy it. It is necessary to buy such lens.
Snapchat hasn’t make any official announcement concerns subscribed lens store yet.